Thursday, March 23, 2006

Crashed Linux..(gr8 1 got frm link on

Everyone is familiar with blue-screening kiosks and travel information displays, but this one was pretty new to me. The route display on this Air Algerie Airbus a330 was visibly experiencing some disk issues. (They rebooted the aircraft in midair, everything was fine after).

Still, the thought of flying around in something that is controlled by Redmonds' finest scares me even more :-)

[Note after 53000 views: No, this is not a normal Linux boot sequence. See the original sized version for the gory details. Also it got stuck here for a long time (~10 mins) until they restarted the app. And as some pointed out below, I doubt very much that up until this point off-the shelf OS'es are used for anything mission critical. Duh.]

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

did u know abt cheapest software pack

If you still run Windows or your a linux user with Windows computers you might want to try the google pack, its this thing that has all the software availible in one package. Its the type of stuff that Windows XP should have pre installed as part of the operating system like PDF viewing, virus scanning, etc. This is a very good download if you just built a computer or you are doing a fresh formatting and reinstall. And last but not the least it is real cheap.. go give a tryGoogle Pack and thanx google and me.. haha
