Friday, May 19, 2006

Finally Its Time to Say Gud Bye :-)

SO its over , my last week in KGP rather IIT Kgp. Two years of sweet memories, fun and excitement, a small flashback reveals it all. It has been 2 years of self-exploration on the learning spree for me.. i have learned more than wht i did all my life. The people i met here had gud zeal, wits, with broad minded approach towards life and totally down-earthed. U cant ask for a better company or a guide in life... Wll everythng tht begins has to end , so is my stay here, but this stay has transformed me and my approach towards life ... hail Kgp(iit)....:-)

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Exit Pramod Mahajan.... :(

"Brain-drain is always discussed in our country. But today the brain-drain of the 60's or the 70's is paying us back by giving a reverse brain-drain. These are the same people who were cursed to the level of calling them traitors, they have created a name not only for themselves but for India in the IT sector today. IT has almost become a brand name for India and we will have to thank the same brain-drain for that." were the words of the man, who was one of the prominent, dynamic, charismatic politicians of modern indian politics. He had graduate degrees in Jounalism and physics and was a visionary... It was a big shock tp BJP and indian politics. The info-tech savvy Mahajan breathed his last at 4:10 p.m. 3rd may 2006. rest in peace -- strategist..

P.S.-- I am nt into politics , bt it thght him as sum gud ones around.
